About Us

About the  Thuvavi Education Trust


The Thuvavi Education Trust (previously known as the Thuvavi Vibhag Sarvajanik Kelevani Mandal) was formed in 1970 (registration number F-111 Vadodara) to provide education opportunities to the local population. We are registered as an FCRA organization with the Government of India so that we can receive foreign financial aid.

Thuvavi village had a primary school long before India’s independence in 1947. The high school was established before India’s independence but came under financial trouble and ceased after independence. Most of the children seeking a high school education had to travel daily to nearby school in Dabhoi or were turned away from education. The concerned residents of Thuvavi gave another try in 1971 by starting the Shree T.V. Sarvajanik High School in an existing building. The current Thuvavi Education Trust was incorporated under the leadership of Iswarbhai Shankarbhai Patel, Vitthalbhai Iswarbhai Patel, Vice-President; Chandrasinh Prabhatsinh Chavda, Secretary; a, nd Naginbhai Chhitabhai Patel, JT. Secretary. The trust operates three schools with approximately 1100 students, 60% of whom are girls.

In the early 1980’s, the older school building was not suitable and a different facility was essential. At that time, the agricultural economy was not conducive, and many concerned residents felt the need of a larger building for the high school. The following residents agreed to donate their land located near the bus stand at the west entrance of the village for the school:

Shanabhai Tribhovandas Patel, Ratilal Ranchodbhai Patel, Prabhudas Ranchodbhai Patel, Bakorbhai Naranbhai Patel, Jethabhai Maganbhai Patel, Gordhanbhai Bapubhai Panchal.

Chhitubhai Desaibhai Patel committed on behalf of the Desaibhai Kahandas Patel family to generously donate the seed money for the construction of the high school building. The people of Thuvavi village and surrounding areas enthusiastically supported fund raising. The building design and construction guidance was provided by Vinubhai B. Patel and Natubhai M. Patel. The high school was inaugurated on June 16, 1983 and was named Shree D. K. Patel High School. The Shree Vitthalbhai Iswarbhai Patel Higher Secondary School was added in 1991, and was followed by the Shree Chhitubhai Desaibhai Patel Primary School in 1998. The Anjuben R. Patel Industrial Training Institute (ITI) was added in 2014. These institutions are fee based with the exception of the high school, which receives government support.

We built a 3,500 sq. ft.  assembly hall building in 2010 to facilitate the general meeting of all students and to serve as a conference center. This project was feasible by the generous donations from the D.K. Patel family and Ravajibhai T. Patel. The hall was named  Shrimati Gangaben D. Patel and Shrimati Chanchalben T. Patel Memorial Hall. A large kitchen was also added alongside the hall to facilitate the campus use as party plot by local community.  As a large high ceiling building was needed for NCVT qualification of an ITI workshop, this hall was transferred to the ITI.

In 2018, we expanded the ITI facility by 9,000 Sq. Ft. to accommodate the addition of three trade courses. Also in 2018, a 5,000 sq. ft. open shed named “Sandipani” and a large kitchen were constructed on northwest side of the campus. This facility is now a complete “party plot” and a multiuse facility for school purposes including a place for our Maa Annpurna Meal program. This development is made possible by donation from the Manubhai & Madhuben Patel family, hence named the “Manmadhur  Wadi” party plot.

Since 2014 we have partnered with the CBG Foundation for Humanity and Education of USA for providing guidance for our growth. CBG partnership provides us capital for expansion and financial aid to students and single mothers. We have high regard for the CBG Foundation directors,most of who are natives of Thuvavi village and care for uplifting of local population by way of affordable quality education.