Maa Saraswati Education Fund

The population in the Thuwavi area (near Vadodara, Gujarat State, India) is primarily dependent on agricultural work and generally has financial hardship as most of the families are at or below poverty line. Many children are not sent for education or are inadequately supported for deserved education opportunities.  We have partnered with the CBG Foundation for Humanity and Education (USA) to facilitate financial support to students, single mothers and to improve education quality. The “Sponsor A Student (SAS)”  program of CBG Foundation was launched in 2014 with the goal of providing financial assistance to needy students.

Many persons from Thuvavi area and Vadodara district expressed their desire to support education of children from underprivileged families by donating funds in Rupees in the amount that a donor desire. Hence in year 2017 we created Maa Sarasvati Education Fund  from which we can provide education cost assistance to deserving students. This fund with donations of any amount from a donor has met with excellent response from our area. We were able to support school fees of 15 students from this Maa Sarasvati Education Fund in academic year 2017/18. We hope that with the generosity of donors we will be able to support many more students in future.