Covid Relief Program

Covid 19 Relief Program

CBG and Thuvavi Trustees’ team working together with Village Panchayat and Thuvavi area PHC Hospital

Local People knows what relief is needed, acts quickly to provide relief.

  • Back Up Power inverter for refrigerator to local Hospital for preserving Vaccines during power failure
  • Five Oxygen cylinders for Hospital use
  • Facilitated 10 Beds COVID Isolation Ward in the ITI Building
  • Provided 100 reusable N-95 Masks for front line workers – Hospital Staff and Field (ASHA)               workers, School Staff, Meals program volunteers, etc.
  • Meals to COIVD affected persons and families needing food
  • Distributed 40 Food (Grocery) Kits to COVID Families at a cost of $22 each, 14 items 60 Lbs