Maa Annapurna

Maa Annapurna - Meal Program

The majority of the Thuvavi population is underprivileged and below the poverty line, depending on agricultural work. Women in the village go to work before sunrise. Because of poverty and primary school’s morning schedule, we observed that many students were coming in without breakfast and feeling hungry by late morning, therefore not paying attention in the classroom. We started a snack program for kindergarten students in the primary school. The Government of India has a mid-day meal program for primary school children but being a private school we do not qualify to be included in this government program. To provide a nutritious meal to students, we launched our own meal program, starting with a meal once a week. The project is called Maa Annpurna, after the goddess of food in the Hindu religion.

This program is dependent on caring and generous people providing “Shram Dhhan and Dhan”.

  • Shram –  Seva, Volunteer work
  • Dhhan  –  Grain / Vegetables and other Supplies donation
  • Dhan    –  Money donation

It is based on Indian cultural beliefs of feeding the poor and helping the helpless. We have received lots of support from local community, with donations of money, food grains, local produce, etc.

Thuvavi village volunteers run this program keeping actual cash expenses to be very low. We have also received donations from kind hearted people in the USA.As we get additional support and resources we hope to expand this program to one meal a day every school day, as opposed to present practice of providing one meal a week.

We have begun to help the poor students as we have passion for humanity. We are giving our all to bringing awareness, change and humanity back. If you are with us, please support these poor students and join with us to put a smile on these children’s faces and become a part of our efforts.