Single Mother Support

Education can transform lives and change societies, you can change lives by helping to educate, and show you “Care By Giving”. We have partnered with the CBG Foundation for Humanity and Education (USA) to facilitate financial support to students, single mothers and to improve education quality.

Population in the Thuwavi area (near Vadodara, Gujarat State, India) is primarily dependent on agricultural work which is seasonal and generally has financial hardship as most of the residents are near the poverty line. This unemployment and poverty creates social issues like alcohol habits, domestic abuse, child abuse, health issues, etc. We notice abnormal divorces and early deaths among men, etc. in the local underprivileged community which results in single mothers struggling to make a living and educate their children if extended family support is absent. Our Single Mother Support provides living cost aid to mothers in this situation. Their children’s education costs are covered under our “Sponsor A Student” program. We depend on donations from local community and NRIs (through CBG Foundation) to finance this program   In the 2017/18 year, we supported 10 mothers out of 45 qualified applicants. We hope to receive additional donations to be able to aid more single mothers.

Program Features
  • Living Cost Aid
  • Financial Aid
  • Unusual Medical expenses
  • Children’s Education Costs through “SAS” program